Thursday, March 15, 2007


The View has its value -- it allows us to see the insane, hateful face of those who would deliver us to the enemy. only allows 500 character e-mails, so mine was necessarily brief and far softer in its demand than I could have written:

Rosie has gone too far. She is aggressively defending a murderous terrorist and implying that he -- who granted no mercy to the 3000 dead on 9/11 -- is the VICTIM of American justice rather than the proper recipient of it. Her words go far beyond entertainment or commentary. She is a conscious apologist for an enemy who would not hesitate to kill us all, and I will boycott Disney until she publicly and SINCERELY apologizes for her hateful, traitorous support of the enemy of all that is decent.

Does she really think that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad will love her for defending him and refrain even for an instant from slaughtering her and her family along with the rest of us if he could? Does she think radical muslims would be tolerant of her and her lifestyle out of gratitude for her betraying and denouncing her fellow countrymen?

Don't liberals get it that someone who would plot to kill Jimmy Carter -- a recently professed opponent of Israel -- doesn't care what positions infidels take? They merely consider her one of what Lenin called the "useful idiots."


Anonymous said...

Well, as a respectful fan of your books, I am somewhat amazed at your unwavering support for this current war.

Rosie is a blabbermouth and she certainly has many things wrong, consider her gun control stance. But, she does make some lucid points on occasion.

I see you blogged this entry back in March, I wonder what your take is on Ron Paul's condemnations of the current war on a tactic?

-Ray Harmon,
Boise, Idaho

Anonymous said...

As much as I don't care for Ms. O'Donnell, is it not correct that her remarks were not in support of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, but rather in opposition to his being illegally and immorally tortured by the tyrannical agents of the despicable Bush/Cheney regime? Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's all she was saying.

Anonymous said...

I think you've got your priorities all wrong. If you're going to be upset about murderous savages, you should focus your attention on the big boys. The U.S. is far more murderous than Bin Laden and his buddies, and does far more harm to Americans than they have.

The FDA alone achieves Bin Laden's 9-11 body count every year by prohibiting the use of certain drugs. The U.S. opposition to DDT leads to a million unnecessary malaria deaths every year. The U.S. has by far the largest numbers and largest percentage of its subjects in prison of ANY government in the world, including China. Many of those die every year from medical neglect and cruel treatment. Bush and company have killed a million Iraqis.

The crimes of every Muslim terrorist combined is just a drop in the bucket compared to the crimes of the savages in Washington, D.C.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, Rosie's big mouth and lack of thinking before she speaks lost her a huge platform for reform.

Telling people what they need to think (not just know), instead of questioning Socratic style, turns people off.

Isn't it great that us libertarians are so good at conveying our message? Now I'm sounding bitter! :-)

Barbados Dagny.